Tuesday 20 February 2007

Arthur den Boer, The Netherlands

The trip to Aceh was very long: 15 hrs in a plane to Kuala Lumpur. We then flew to Medan where we slept over one night. And the next morning we took our last flight to Banda Aceh. When we arrived in Banda Aceh our real program started. We have our own bus. With this bus we travel around Aceh. We went to the office of EI. There we heard what they were doing and what they had achieved in the last two years. It was a shock to hear the details about all the losses and damages around Aceh. We went to ground zero and I got very emotional just seeing all the damages and I couldn’t imagine that this happened though you hear about it and watch it on TV. Today (20 Feb.) we visited 2 schools built by EI. We also met some children. In the beginning they were very shy but when we were about to leave I had to give the boys high fives. Tomorrow we gonna buy some school stuff for the kids with the 500.000 RP from EI. Thursday we gonna bring the equipment to the school.



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